Asian Prisoner Support Committee On The Run!

End Date: March 23, 2014

The Asian Prisoner Support Committee is raising money for the ROOTS (Restoring Our Original True Selves) program at San Quentin, an Asian and Pacific Islander Studies class for API prisoners. Donations will also support Roots 2 Reentry, our weekly support group for formerly incarcerated APIs in Oakland. Here’s our link to our Crowdrise campaign page.

All donations will be used for teaching materials and compensation for our community facilitators. Thank you for supporting these unique and groundbreaking project!

 More about ROOTS:

Every Monday afternoon, APSC holds a class with Asian, Pacific Islander, and “Other” prisoners at San Quentin state prison. The ROOTS program seeks to increase knowledge about API culture, history, community issues, and healing practices. Through guest speakers, group discussion, personal sharing, and leadership opportunities, ROOTS is a unique opportunity to enhance opportunities for transformation and reentry.

More about Roots 2 Reentry:

Every Saturday, a group of formerly incarcerated APIs meet in Oakland for a variety of activities aimed to lead to positive reintegration into the API community. We cover topics such as how to access health care and other social services, opportunities to share their experiences with the community, and cultural healing practices to address issues of stigma and shame.

Thanks to everyone for their help in giving to our cause and please spread the word!