Visibility Project (VP)


Visibility Project is a national portrait and oral history archive highlighting queer Asian Pacific American women, trans, and gender non-conforming communities. The Visibility Project utilizes powerful photography and personal storytelling narratives that embrace the intersections of queer APAs.


VietUnity Bay Area (VU)


VietUnity Bay Area – promotes a progressive voice within the Vietnamese Community. Through alliance building, community education, organizing, and collective action, Viet Unity Bay Area works towards positive social change that acknowledges and combats all forms and systems of oppression. VietUnity Bay Area connects it work to broader multi-racial and multi-class movements for social justice and systemic change.


Network on Religion and Justice (NRJ)


The Network on Religion and Justice for Asian and Pacific Islander Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer People works to nurture and support efforts toward a fully inclusive Asian Pacific Islander faith community.


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